Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Both personally and professionally, I treasure safety, freedom, wonder, magic, love. Therapeutically speaking:
…is the ethic i bring to this vocation. As a registered clinical counsellor, i am held to a particularly high standard of education, training, and integrity. In the therapeutic space we create together, i protect your right to be vulnerable.
…is the permission to explore who you are, without judgement or shame. You are invited to speak your truth, maybe for the first time, and liberate yourself to a more integrated way of being…with yourself, with others, and with the world around you.
…is the effervescent quality of childlike curiosity: ta-da! Wonder invites you to open rather than close, question more than know, search as well as find. Its companions are innocence, surprise, imagination, and delight. I speak more about this quality in my blog.
…is a spark – mysterious, intangible, and raw. An element of the unknown, beyond words or rationale, exists within magical spaces. When you align with intuition and sense your own destiny…magic is afoot.
…is a homecoming – to yourself, to another, to life. I believe it is why we’re here. One of the most healing aspects of human experience is learning (or remembering) how to love, nurture, tend, and befriend.